
In the Navy: Action Figures

Created by Falcone

3 3/4 Inch O-ring Action Figures

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Backerkit closing Jan 31st
9 months ago – Fri, Dec 15, 2023 at 10:51:55 PM

The backerkit will be closing at the end of January so we can lock in our production numbers for the factory.  After January 31st you will no longer be able to change your survey answers or add any add-ons so please be sure to have your final selections completed by then.  We are currently about $4500 away from unlocking the Navy SEAL, if it unlocks before the end it will be added to the survey questions and as an add-on for you to select in Backerkit.

2 New Accessories
11 months ago – Fri, Oct 27, 2023 at 02:31:41 AM

An update for you guys.  The tooling is currently underway.  While we wait on that process, here are two accessories that were added to the project.  Every deck crew figure will come with two signal flashlights.  And every figure will come with a figure stand.

Bonus Unlock "Seabee" Added and Unlocked
12 months ago – Thu, Oct 05, 2023 at 12:15:30 AM

We're excited to share that "Seabee" has been added and unlocked.  You can now add any number as add-ons to your existing pledge or modify your survey to swap existing choices for Seabees.  Please note that the design is slightly altered from earlier designs.  The figure will feature long sleeves instead of short.  This unlock will not affect existing stretch goals.

Heavy Armor Toys Update and Potential Campaign Unlocks
about 1 year ago – Sun, Sep 10, 2023 at 06:18:25 PM

An update, our first figure which was shown in the campaign as an example, but was not part of the campaign is now available in our store. There have been some questions about whether sales of these figures would go towards the Backerkit.  The production costs need to be covered.  However, if sales are strong enough we are looking at some new tooling which would also be used for the Navy set.  Right now we are looking at two possible new bonus add-ons that would be unlocked and added to the Backerkit and preorder store.

Backer Surveys and Preorder Store Going Live
about 1 year ago – Fri, Sep 01, 2023 at 05:00:19 PM

The pre order store is now live and surveys will be going out to backers shortly.  5% of backers will receive their surveys first and then everyone else will receive theirs.   IMPORTANT: If you backed the Kickstarter campaign do not use the preorder store linked below.  Your survey will include the opportunity to add-on more figures, specialized for your backer level. 

Kickstarter Backers: You will receive an email that links you to your specialized survey.  First you will be able to select which figures you would like from your Kickstarter pledge.  If you added more to your pledge it will be counted as credit on the next step where you can select to add on more figures to your pledge.  You can change your survey answers at any time until the Backerkit closes.  So if more figures are unlocked you can change which figures you want to receive.  There will be a 1 month notice before the Backerkit closes so you have time to lock in your final choices.  The Backerkit will not be closing until into 2024.  Note that any add-ons you select have no built in feature for changing selections, however, you can contact us if you would like to make any changes on what add-on figure you chose.

Non Kickstarter Backers: If you did not pledge during the Kickstarter you can preorder figures through the preorder store linked below.  If you would like to make changes to which figures you ordered, if new figures are unlocked, you can message us on Kickstarter or Facebook and request the change.  The changes can be made until the preorder store closes.  The store closing will have a 1 month notice to allow for final choices to be made.